Three ways to use AI in marketing to create results by working smarter, not harder

It's often believed that hard effort is the only thing that counts. But you may advance in marketing even further if you combine hard work with AI technology.

With the assistance of AI, you may be a marketer who is at the right place at the right time with the right offer to satisfy customers' rapidly shifting wants; 15% of Google's daily hundreds of millions of searches are for completely unrelated terms.

It's probable that you already use AI in your daily life, whether it is to use Maps to avoid traffic, write better emails, or use Lens to conduct visual searches. And in a world where every consumer and their journey is different, that same technology—found in Google AI-powered ad solutions—can help you analyze data, identify insights, and show up for customers at a speed and scale like never before.

While cutting-edge technologies can boost marketing performance by 20-25%, human interaction can increase it by another 15-20%.
You must combine the strength of AI with your particular knowledge in order to maximize your potential as a marketer. Our research with the Boston Consulting Group demonstrates that while cutting-edge technologies can boost marketing performance by 20%, human interaction can boost it by an additional 15%. To put it another way, according to Michael Beresin, chief operating officer of the digital marketing firm Labelium, utilizing AI in marketing alone won't make marketers successful; rather, combining your knowledge with the power of AI will enable you to perform at your absolute best.
This formula for the universal solution has been made available by Google. It is now democratic. however, that does not necessarily imply that everyone is now successful in the race.
The ability to use AI-powered marketing to work better is similar to being in the driver's seat of a Formula One race vehicle, where you can combine your knowledge, creativity, and talents with AI technologies to maneuver flawlessly. You can expertly direct your AI-powered campaign with the use of systems in place of physical levers. You'll be able to outperform rivals by giving them distinctive inputs like first-party audience data, top-notch creatives, and methods unique to your industry.

What does all of this look like in real life? Here are three methods to begin working smarter rather than harder by combining your knowledge with AI-powered campaigns to accomplish marketing goals, improve business outcomes, and reach your full potential as a marketer.

Is very Important to Build relationships and customer trust quickly and easily.
Building relationships with customers and their trust is essential to what marketers do to make money. Additionally, you may activate consented first-party data utilizing Google AI-powered solutions to better satisfy your customers' demands, engage them quickly and extensively, and develop stronger bonds with them in order to expand your company.

Your targeted audience Compare is a marketing or advertising solution that enables you to engage with existing audiences and attract new ones who are similar to your most valued client audiences while protecting their privacy.

Any AI-powered campaigns, like Performance Max, can use the technology to provide personalized, timely messages to the right audiences across Search, Shopping, YouTube, and various social media platforms, an online lending company, did this by delivering pertinent adverts in inventive formats that were tailored to the channels that its consumers were on.

In view of the above, WeLend collaborated in Hong Kong with Mindshare and GroupM Nexus to increase the precision of its customer identification processes. It was able to build upon its current customer lists to uncover new audience segments and identify additional customers by logging distinctive client insights through Customer Match lists. As a result of its most recent Performance Max campaign, it gained 220% more new clients at a reduced cost per acquisition.

Utilize clever prediction to identify your most valuable clients.
A marketer's top aim is attracting clients who will convert at the highest value to the company, particularly when profit pressure increases. The goal is to identify who your most valued clients are and find them. Target ROAS bidding may be useful here.

However, your marketing knowledge is crucial to maximizing the AI-powered bid strategy. To guide Target ROAS in the appropriate direction and optimize for them, you must first determine values for the conversions that are most valuable to your company.

Choose conversion objectives that actually add value, like as profit or customer lifetime value, as opposed to intermediary measures like sales volume. As a result, Target ROAS is able to maximize business impact and profitability through conversions.

Every time a user searches for the goods or services you're advertising or interacts with your ads across numerous channels, the AI-powered bid strategy evaluates and intelligently forecasts the worth of a prospective conversion. Then, it automatically modifies your bids to increase your profit.

For instance, when Traveloka switched from a Target CPA bid strategy to a Target ROAS bid strategy, it saw an 11-12% increase in return on ad expenditure and a 14-15% rise in average booking value.

Utilize effective inventive combinations to increase valuable conversions.
With AI-powered ad solutions, marketers can also realize their full potential in the creation of powerful ad creatives, which contribute over 50% of ROI.

For instance, by employing the AI-driven Performance Max, you may give a wide variety of imaginative combinations at scale. Finding the combinations that lead to the best conversions enables you to improve your creative direction and optimize your subsequent campaigns.

Your marketing imagination, however, is crucial if you want to maximize the benefits of Performance Max. It can develop a wide variety of ad forms and combinations that are relevant to any audience when you provide it access to a wide variety and strategic selection of creative materials, like well-written copy, gorgeous photography, and attention-grabbing videos to mix and combine.

When WoodDesign, a digital-first furniture brand, used Performance Max to promote online sales across the entirety of Google's inventory and channels, it saw an 8-10% increase in click-through rate, an 8% decrease in cost-per-click, and a 400-500% (as per google analyses around 600%) return on ad spend over its Smart Shopping campaigns.

Accelerating the use of Google AI in your marketing will help you reach your full potential if your goal for 2023 is to work smarter and produce business results. But like a racing car driver, how you combine your knowledge and resourcefulness with AI technologies will ultimately determine how competitive you are. So, let's go and turn out the lights.
